How to Quit Smoking the Easy Way

Quitting smoking is a daunting task, especially if you've been a smoker for years. There are many routes you can take to try and help you quit but its never as easy as you hope. Cravings, temptation and failing to break the habit always draw people back to smoking.

There are many tools out there designed to help you quit but don't be fooled, nothing can replace a cigarette, whether that's the feel, taste or even the motion of smoking its never quite the same.

Our simple quitting plan has been designed to break the habit and conquer your cravings in the easiest way possible. The 31-Day Plan has been structured around a 20 a day smoker, however, depending on how many you smoke adjust the plan to suit.

First things first, start on a Friday - when quitting most smokers start on a Monday but Mondays are already bad enough without trying to avoid your favourite past time. Start on a Friday and that gives you several days to adjust before you head back to work.

Analyse how you smoke, work out your set smoke breaks (the ones which are the same every day) call this Group One. Now call the remaining cigarettes Group Two, these tend to be stress busters or timekillers.

Quick tip: if you smoke Super Kings, drop down to regular cigarettes.

As you begin steadily cutting down, start by ditching the cigarettes from group two as you will find these easier to cut out.

The 31-Day Plan

Day 1 - 19 Cigarettes.
Day 2 - 18 Cigarettes.
Day 3 - 17 Cigarettes.

You've now dropped three cigarettes a day, you will begin to notice that something is missing. For the next two days, to give you time to adjust, you'll remain on 17 cigarettes. It's worth looking at 'stop smoking aids' to help you with this process and you can check out our recommendations here. By slowly introducing a stop smoking aid whilst steadily reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke, the transition will be much easier and smoother,

Day 4 - 17 Cigarettes.
Day 5 - 17 Cigarettes.
Day 6 - 16 Cigarettes.
Day 7 - 15 Cigarettes.

Congratulations you've completed your first week. You have successfully cut five cigarettes from your daily intake, this means you haven't smoked 21 cigarettes this week. At this stage of the, plan you should have started getting used to your 'stop smoking aid'.

Day 8   - 14 Cigarettes.
Day 9   - 13 Cigarettes.
Day 10 - 12 Cigarettes.
Day 11 - 11 Cigarettes.
Day 12 - 10 Cigarettes.
Day 13 - 10 Cigarettes.
Day 14 - 10 Cigarettes.

With two weeks now completed you have successfully cut your daily intake of cigarettes in half. As you move into your third week you'll start cutting out cigarettes from Group One, this will prove trickier than before and you will become more reliant on your 'stop smoking aid'.

Top Tip:  Think about rearranging the times you take your smoke breaks, to make your remaining cigarettes last the whole day. This will not only help you break your habit but will also make sure there isn't a time in the day where you're vulnerable to temptation.

Day 15 - 9 Cigarettes.
Day 16 - 8 Cigarettes.
Day 17 - 7 Cigarettes.
Day 18 - 6 Cigarettes.
Day 19 - 6 Cigarettes.
Day 20 - 6 Cigarettes.
Day 21 - 5 Cigarettes.
Day 22 - 4 Cigarettes.
Day 23 - 3 Cigarettes.

You're now in the final week and are down to 3 cigarettes, spread these across the day at times where you need them most e.g one in the morning, one at lunch and one in the evening.

Day 24 - 3 Cigarettes.
Day 25 - 3 Cigarettes.
Day 26 - 3 Cigarettes.

You will now drop down to two cigarettes a day, this is the last phase before you quit completely. You have five days to adjust, so make sure you have worked out a routine with using any 'stop smoking aids'. Once you completely quit the smokes, you need to be comfortable with them otherwise you'll be tempted to return to smoking.

Day 27 - 2 Cigarettes.
Day 28 - 2 Cigarettes.
Day 29 - 2 Cigarettes.
Day 30 - 2 Cigarettes.
Day 31 - 2 Cigarettes.

Quit Completely.

One Final Tip: Try to avoid the booze whilst you're quitting, you don't want to put yourself in an environment where you're tempted to break the plan.

If you need any more advise or help with quitting please go the NHS website.


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