Time to go Teetotal - Dry January 2019

Once again it's been a very boozy December, one to many Christmas parties and certainly one too many hangovers. It's time to start the new year with a clean slate by taking part in 'Dry January'.

What is Dry January?

"Dry January is the annual movement through which millions of people give up alcohol for the month of January. It is run by the charity Alcohol Change UK".

Why do Dry January?

- To Lose Weight.
- To Save Money.
- Get a better nights sleep.
- Improved Health.

What are the risks of Drinking?

There are many risks associated with drinking alcohol, so much so there isn't actually a recommended safe drinking amount. The amount of alcohol considered low risk is 14 units a week(spread over several days). By exceeding the safe drinking amount consistently for 10 to 20 years you could develop illnesses such as cancers(mouth, throat and breast), stroke, heart disease, liver disease, brain damage, damage to the nervous system etc

For more health information please check out the NHS website.

The Dry January Rules.

There is only one rule and that is from the moment you wake up on January 1st you don't consume any alcohol until February 1st.

Anything Else?

Nope, that's pretty much it. For more information on the charity and the brilliant work, they do please check them out here.


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