Week One - 1 Month Fitness Challenge

Consume at least 2 Litres of water throughout the day. Always make sure the first thing you do when you wake up is drink a glass of water.

Daily Exercises

30 x Star Jumps (Jumping Jacks).
30 x High Knees.
30 x Squats.

Do this for 3 rounds with a 30-second break in between each one.

10 Minute fast walk - This can be on a treadmill or on your way to work, just make sure it's faster than your natural walk.

5-minute yoga session. - Check out our 'yoga for beginners' free ebook.

If you're not used to doing much exercise its important to start with small but consistent sessions. Because these sessions are short yet effective, you can't use the excuse of not having enough time. By starting with small workouts and working your way up, your fitness will steadily improve without you burning yourself out.
