Daily Habits For A Healthy Lifestyle



It's important to drink plenty of water to keep yourself properly hydrated, the NHS recommends you drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.

Water tends to be rather dull and unappealing to drink all the time so to make it more interesting add slices of lemon and lime or some fresh mint. 

To encourage yourself to drink more water, get yourself a large bottle and fill it at home. Keep it filled throughout the day and you won't be tempted to buy fizzy drinks when out (Bonus: you won't be buying and binning lots of plastic bottles).

Fruit & Veg

Aim to consume at least 5 portions of Fruit and Vegetables a day.

What counts as a portion?


Small (Kiwi) = x 2
Medium (Apple) = x1
Large (Pineapple) =  x1 Large Slice


Green Veg (Kale) = x 4 Large Tablespoons.
Cooked Veg (Carrots) = x 3 Large Tablespoons.
Salad Veg (Celery) = x 1 1/2 Sticks.



It's super important to keep active, however, it can be difficult to find time to get to the gym for long intense workouts.

Aim for;
  • 150 minutes of walking a week.
  • For at least 2 days a week work on strengthing all your major muscles.


Aim for between 7 - 9 hours a night.
  • Get yourself into a set routine. Go to bed at the same time and wake at the same time - you will find it much easier to fall asleep and get up.
  • Put your phone in a separate room and switch all electrics off at least one hour before bed. 
  • Pick up a book and switch off the main light. Reading a book under the warm glow of a lamp will slow everything down and get you in the right mindset for bed.


Your Breakfast, Lunch and Supper may be pretty healthy but it's the snacks that catch people out - a chocolate bar here, a bag of crisps there, the calories add up. Prepare your snacks at home to avoid any temptation, store-bought snacks tend to be less healthy than they're advertised as.

Snack Suggestions

- Carrot Sticks
- Nuts
- Dried Fruit


It's easy to consume too much alcohol over the course of a week, a glass of wine here a few pints there - try to follow the NHS Guidelines of alcohol consumption. Cutting down on the amount of booze you drink will help you lose the unnecessary weight.

Check out our post on Dry January


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