1 Month Fitness Challenge for Beginners

Week 1

Consume at least 2 Litres of water throughout the day. Always make sure the first thing you do when you wake up is to drink a large glass of water.

Daily Exercises

30 x Star Jumps (Jumping Jacks).
30 x High Knees.
30 x Squats.

Do this for 3 rounds with a 30-second break in between each one.

10 Minute fast walk - This can be on a treadmill or on your way to work, just make sure it's faster than your natural walk.


Week One Session

Week 2

Consume at least 3 Litres of water throughout the day. 
Always make sure the first thing you do when you wake up is to drink a large glass of water.

Daily Exercise

30 x Star Jumps (Jumping Jacks).
30 x High Knees.
30 x Squats.
10 x Press Ups.
10 x Sit-ups.

Do this for 3 rounds with a 30-second break in between each one.

20 Minute fast walk - This can be on a treadmill or on your way to work, just make sure it's faster than your natural walk.


Week Two Session

Week 3

Consume at least 3 Litres of water throughout the day. Always make sure the first thing you do when you wake up is to drink a large glass of water.

Daily Exercise

40 x Star Jumps (Jumping Jacks).
40 x High Knees.
40 x Squats.
20 x Press Ups.
20 x Sit-ups.
20 x Burpees.

Do this for 3 rounds with a 30-second break in between each one.

10-minute run - Try to find somewhere to run with a steady incline, if you're using a treadmill use the incline option to boost the efficiency of your run.


Week Three Session

Week 4

Consume at least 3 Litres of water throughout the day. Always make sure the first thing you do when you wake up is to drink a large glass of water.

Daily Exercise

50 x Star Jumps (Jumping Jacks)
50 x High Knees
50 x Squats
30 x Press Ups
30 x Sit-ups
30 x Burpees

Do this for 3 rounds with a 30-second break in between each one.

20-minute run - Try to find somewhere to run with a steady incline, if you're using a treadmill use the incline option to boost the efficiency of your run.


Week Four Session
